Friday, August 29, 2014

First Day in Pisay

"I had to say something about how my first day went."

I felt excited yet nervous on the first day of school. At first, I thought the teachers were very strict and I won't be able to make new friends. But it was so nice to be proven wrong. The teachers here in Pisay are not just good in educating students but also are they very approachable. I also met new friends already, my classmates were so fun to be with and so as from those in Diamond and Emerald. They were all friendly and nice.

The subjects were awesome. But I don't think that will be applicable to Math. Its just so hard. But anyways, I'm here to learn. And who knows, maybe I would be able to like Math within a month or so. But the other subjects, they were all cool to me. I liked Computer Science because I would really be able to do a hands-on. In that way, I can learn easily. As to the other subjects, they were not that easy, but our teachers would surely make it easy for us.

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