Short for HyperText Markup Language, the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web. HTML is similar to SGML, although it is not a strict subset.
HTML defines the structure and layout of a Web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. The correct structure for an HTML document starts with <HTML><HEAD>(enter here what document is about)<BODY> and ends with </BODY></HTML>. All the information you'd like to include in your Web page fits in between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags.
HTML Formatting Tags
There are hundreds of other tags used to format and layout the
information in a Web page. Tags are also used to specify hypertext
links. These allow Web developers to direct users to other Web pages
with only a click of the mouse on either an image or words. For a more
complete list of HTML tags, check out the WC3 website.
HTML is the standard and most basic
language in use to create web pages. It has a very simple code structure
that makes it extremely easy to pick-up and learn compared to any other
HTML is rather simple with a few keywords that are dedicated for
formatting words, sentences, or paragraphs. It is also quite
forgiving with mistakes, still showing some result even when there are
errors in the code. This aspect of HTML makes it quite easy to learn and
write simple web pages that only contains a small amount of content and
formatting. The problem with HTML is it doesn’t really scale that well
once you start to develop bigger or fancier pages. Styling could involve
multiple keywords in every section and this gets repeated multiple
times in a single page, making the page unnecessarily longer. The simple
and easy to learn language becomes very convoluted and quite difficult
to trace once you’ve made mistakes.
When I say H, You say Hyper!
When I say T, You say Text!
When I say M, You say Markup!
When I say L, You say Language!
HTML on the go!
Without me, how will you be able to create awesome web pages?
Without me, how will you be able to visit your favorite social networking sites?
That's why thanks to meeee. And ofcourse to my siblings.
Namely "Tag", "Element" and "Attribute"
*Tag's POV*
Hi, I'm Tag! I'm always surrounded by angle brackets. I also have two sons, Start and End. Start is older in a matter of minutes. And wherever they go, they are always together. You can barely distinguish the difference between them. Just remember that End has a forward slash.
*Element's POV*
Hey there, I'm Element! I'm always surrounded by the two children of Tag namely Start and End. And most of time, people often think that
I am Tag. Probably because I'm always with his kids. And did I mention that we look so alike. Yeah, he is my twin brother, I forgot. -__- But I'm much more handsome than him. Remember that. Much mooore handsome.
*Attribute's POV*
Hello, person! I'm Attribute and I come in name or value pairs. I'm also the smartest among the three. The information I bring is really useful. And yeah, my favorite nephew is Start. I and Start are very much close to each other.
When I say T, You say Text!
When I say M, You say Markup!
When I say L, You say Language!
HTML on the go!
Without me, how will you be able to create awesome web pages?
Without me, how will you be able to visit your favorite social networking sites?
That's why thanks to meeee. And ofcourse to my siblings.
Namely "Tag", "Element" and "Attribute"
*Tag's POV*
Hi, I'm Tag! I'm always surrounded by angle brackets. I also have two sons, Start and End. Start is older in a matter of minutes. And wherever they go, they are always together. You can barely distinguish the difference between them. Just remember that End has a forward slash.
*Element's POV*
Hey there, I'm Element! I'm always surrounded by the two children of Tag namely Start and End. And most of time, people often think that
I am Tag. Probably because I'm always with his kids. And did I mention that we look so alike. Yeah, he is my twin brother, I forgot. -__- But I'm much more handsome than him. Remember that. Much mooore handsome.
*Attribute's POV*
Hello, person! I'm Attribute and I come in name or value pairs. I'm also the smartest among the three. The information I bring is really useful. And yeah, my favorite nephew is Start. I and Start are very much close to each other.
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